Pokedex Case Study

Welcome to the world of Pokemon!

Main page


The main page of the simple JavaScript app acts as a gateway to its core functionalities and features. You'll discover a user-friendly interface that provides easy access to various components of the app. From simple calculations to interactive elements, each feature demonstrates the versatility and robustness of JavaScript programming. Additionally, the main page offers insights into the app's purpose and potential applications through concise descriptions and intuitive navigation.

Details Modal

Details Modal

Upon interacting with specific elements within the app, such as buttons or input fields, you'll encounter details modal windows that provide additional information and interactions. Inside these modals, you'll find detailed explanations of the functionalities, the underlying JavaScript logic, and examples of usage scenarios. Furthermore, you can experiment with interactive demos or follow step-by-step guides to understand the app's capabilities better. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn JavaScript or an experienced developer seeking inspiration, the details modal offers valuable insights into the intricacies of this simple JavaScript app.


Welcome to the simple JavaScript app hosted on GitHub! I'm thrilled about this project, because it showcase my skills in JavaScript development, as well as Pokemon. This app is a demonstration of my proficiency in building interactive and dynamic web applications. Join me as we explore the features and functionalities of this simple yet powerful JavaScript app!


The main page of the simple JavaScript app acts as a gateway to its core functionalities and features. You'll discover a user-friendly interface that provides easy access to various components of the app. From simple calculations to interactive elements, each feature demonstrates the versatility and robustness of JavaScript programming. Additionally, the main page offers insights into the app's purpose and potential applications through concise descriptions and intuitive navigation.


To prove that I knew this language, there were a few things that I included in this project to demonstrate my knowledge. The key features and benefits of the Simple-JS App include: 1. Simple design: The design of this application has a very simple approach allowing users to navigate with ease and find the information that they are looking for. 2. Comprehensive Functionality: The Simple-JS provides a wide range of functions and utilities that cover various aspects of web development, including DOM manipulation, form validation, AJAX requests, string manipulation, and more. This comprehensive functionality eliminates the need for developers to write repetitive code, thus saving time and effort. 3. Clear Documentation and Examples: The app is accompanied by comprehensive documentation that provides clear explanations of each function, along with usage examples and code snippets. This documentation enables developers to quickly understand the features and effectively integrate them into their projects.

Languages Used

JavaScript HTML CSS